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Dr Glenford Mapp (Associate Professor) – DfT funding (£120,000 given up to date)

Middlesex University has been working with the Department for Transport (DfT) to build a number of Connected Vehicle Testbeds (CVTs) to investigate how C-ITS can be deployed throughout the United Kingdom. We have built an extended CVT at our Hendon Campus, which also encompasses 2 miles of the A41. In addition, with Kings College London (KCL) we have deployed a second smaller testbed in Central London that will be used to help test the deployment of 5G, the next mobile communication standard.

We have now received further funding to work with York City Council to build a new Connected Vehicle Testbed in the city of York. This work is a good next step because it will enable us to study the connection and traffic dynamics of an entire city and its rural surroundings. This testbed will also be used to compare different communication technologies that can be used in vehicular environments. Click here to read more:

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